We are happy to announce our partnership with Ham Radio Prep (http://hamradioprep.com) enter the code LVSRA for 20% coupon on any license or bundle. This is good for the license preps and “like our logbook and league at www.WorldRadioLeague.com.”

While we love giving you a break on prices, this will also help our organization by giving us a little (20%) every time the code is used. So You, we, and Ham Radio Prep all benefit from your patronage.
As we find more ways to provide benefits to our members, we’ll be sure to let you know what we find.


This is where announcements for Upcoming Classes and Training will be announced as well as request/discussion for any kind of ham/tech/emcomm etc... training. You don't have to be logged in to view this category.
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Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2020 6:37 pm
QTH: Cornwall


Post by N3WTA »

CLASS IS CANCELED Sorry for any inconvenience.

The LVSRA is pleased to announce a TECHNICIAN level HAM RADIO CLASS
Preparation and Test for FCC Amateur Radio Technician License
October 9th (0800-1600) – October 10th 2021 (0800-1200) FCC License Testing (12:30-3)

Class will be held at the Friendship Fire Company
610 South 2nd Street, Lebanon PA 17042

No Charge for the class* (There will be a $14.00 FCC License Testing Fee). The FCC is instituting a $35 application fee however the start date is unknown.

Come with an open mind, pen and paper. We discourage the use of smart phones, etc. in the class except for emergencies. Please put on vibrate. A simple calculator and a windows PC are useful.

Contact: Wade Achey N3WTA at training@lvsra.org Pre-registration is strongly encouraged as seating is limited. Please provide a phone number and email in the event of a change and to receive a study guide. Upon passing the test an FCC license is usually issued within a week. You will need a government issued photo ID for testing.
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