Status Update 5/20/2020:
This was forwarded to us, the Club will explore options and entertain suggestions:
> From: ARRL Members Only Web site <>
> Date: May 20, 2020 at 10:23:15 AM EDT
> To:
> Subject: EPA Field Day Fun Competition
> EPA Field Day Competition
> As Field Day 2020 approaches and it appears likely that we will be
> unable to hold our traditional events. Many of you know I have been
> concerned with this years Field Day.
> I’d like to purpose a friendly competition within the Eastern
> Pennsylvania Section. This is strictly for fun with a little rivalry
> between clubs and individuals in the EPA Section.
> We will follow the ARRL Field Day Rules for 2020
> ( ... 0Rules.pdf),
> with one exception. Since most of us will be operating from home or a
> portable location as Single Operator Stations each club will combine
> total scores from all participating club members.
> All scores must be tabulated and send them to W3GWM for tabulation by
> Friday, July 31st.
> For our EPA Section Competition, we will award certificates for three
> Divisions in the club category and 3 Divisions in the individual
> category. This part is slightly different than the ARRL Field Day but
> should work for our purpose.
> Club divisions will be divided into the following divisions
> :
> A. Clubs with greater than 50 participants
> B. Clubs with greater than 25 but less than 50 participants
> C. Clubs with less than 25 participants
> We don’t want to leave out people operating as individuals and not
> reporting scores to clubs, we will include a category for single
> operator stations.
> Individual Divisions will be divided as follows:
> A. Stations running greater than 100 Watts
> B. Stations with less than 100 Watts but greater than 10 watts
> C. Stations running QRP, less than 10 Watts
> All bonus points will be the same as in the ARRL Rules.
> No logs or score sheets are required. This is simply a fun contest to
> make Field Day a little more interesting this year. I don’t need
> anything except an email with your score. Since this is a fun event,
> everyone is on the Honor System.
> Credit for this idea must be given to Penn Wireless. They are running a
> similar competition with clubs in their local area. I “borrowed”
> this idea after attending one of their meetings via Zoom.
> Collect the scores for club entries and people participating as an
> individual station not reporting scores to a club can send totals to me
> at
> Get on the air, have fun and report your scores.
> 73
> George Miller W3GWM
> Eastern Pennsylvania Section Manager
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section
> Section Manager: George W Miller, W3GWM